Friday, May 11, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

This Molly, she is our Yorkie.
She thinks that she is a chicken and is in the cage with them.
Every once in awhile she remembers that she is a dog and chases them!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

This is Lucy she died today.

Last week started my wierd animal week with me finding the baby bird on Monday.

Look what I found today!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Weird Week

OK, this week has been kinda strange.
Monday: find a newly hatched baby bird at our barn, almost stepped on it, picked it up and it was alive, brought it to the 24 hour vet place in R.P. cause the bird rescue place picks them up there.
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: Dog takes Allie's shoe, shoe never to be seen again!
Thursday: Find a chicken on the side of the road....
Friday: open up my front door and all of my horses are standing in my front yard!

Weird week!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


I was driving down the road and there was a chicken on the side of the road (not why did the chicken cross the road) I pulled over and she was alive!! just then this other lady pulled up and said that she saw the chicken on top of a semi that was full of chickens to go to the chicken patty place. This chicken did not want to go and jumped to freedom!! (long live Mama!! her new name) I saved her......