Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Did I tell everyone that we had puppies? On June 8th our Yorkie had 4 babies. We had a little bit of drama as the last one would not come out and we had to have an emergency c-section. Now no more Yorkie Babes for Molly (the mom) Any way my youngest DD just showed me that they are starting to open their eyes!! How cute. They look like baby Rotts!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

So, here we go again!!
My Mom calls me to tell me that her dog got a baby bird. She said that it looked fine. I told her to lock up the dogs and to put the bird outside and keep an eye on it. She called me back to say that the bird was gone. Great!! A few minits later she calls me back and said that the dog brought the bird back into the house again.
It is 7pm at night and she lives way on the other side of Petaluma. Allie and I jump in the car.
We try to get the bird to its home but the parent birds keep attacking me!!
We take the bird home in a bowl.
He lasted the night!
We take him to the 24 hour emergency clinic in Rohnert Park. (they get them to the bird rescue in Santa Rosa)
So once again an animal in need finds me.
Oh yeah.. the chicken I saved is a rooster.
Cocka doddle doo!!
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